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The upside, as of this writing, is that Comcast isn't charging any extra for 3D content,
so if you take the plunge, you won't have to pay any more to do
so. I mean, how cool would it be if they broadcast the Superbowl in 3D
this year?3D Televisions aren't the only must-have items for a your Man Cave. Of course,
being the first of your friends to have a 3D TV set up does have
a big upside. Getting a Blu Ray player that is 3D enabled is pretty easy
as all you have to do is buy one and hook it up. Before you
dive in, check with your provider to make sure you'll have access to the content
you'd want to watch (i.e. Because 3D TV is still in its Nike Requin infancy, 3D content
from cable and satellite providers might not be available in all markets (and their offerings
might be limited, too at first). 3D TV might be the next greatest thing to
come to your living room this year, but what do you actually have to buy
to make it happen? Here are some basic things you want to consider when choosing
whether or not 3D is right for you.The Tech You'll NeedAs the technology stands right
now, in order to view 3D TV content at home you need a 3D ready
TV, a pair of LCD shutter glasses, and HDMI cable and either a 3D Blu
Ray player or a cable (or satellite) provider's set-top box that sends a specialized signal
to the TV. My personal problem with this whole tn set up, however, is that I
just don't like the expensive glasses. If you don't want to wait any more and
you don't care about the glasses, you're probably already aware that you'll pay an early
adopter's fee like when you got that VCR for $2K. Also, I've read that manufacturers
are working to bring glasses-free 3D TVs to the market before the year's end. In
a nutshell, the TV syncs the image signal with the glasses and you see what
appear to be 3D images on your screen. Whether that happens or not, I'm sure
I won't regret holding back on any big 3D purchases any time soon. Don't get
me wrong, I'd love to watch football in 3D every week, I just don't want
to look like a complete dork when I do!What you need to know about 3D
broadcast signalsIn order to see 3d TV, you need a 3D signal either from your
Blu Ray player or your content provider. the ESPN3D channel!).If viewing 3D content is something
you're dying to be able to do in your Man Cave or game room, but
you don't like the idea of wearing those funky glasses, you might want to wait
a bit to see what develops with the glasses-free tech. Getting 3D content from your
cable or satellite provider might be trickier. After all, what would you do without any
sports gear to adorn your walls and display shelves? If you have a NFL themed
Man Cave that you're looking to upgrade this football season, swing by SuperiorSportsBar.com and check
out our selection of NFL Merchandise..
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